Seven Lakes Oilfield Services
Seven Lakes provides a variety of services to commercial, residential and industry based business’. The following services we provide are:
Waste management (general household garbage, recycling services such as, cardboard, plastics, paper, organics, wood and all metals);
Hazardous waste (collecting, hauling and sampling, potable water & sewage hauling, portable toilets & fencing);
Scaffolding and insulating services;
Camp maintenance services;
Equipment rentals;
Road maintenance division (civil earthwork projects);
Trades personnel (carpenters, plumbers, HVAC Technicians, millwrights, mechanics and welders);
Our focus is to provide efficient, reliable quality service with a commitment to safety.
Seven Lakes Oilfield Services is proudly owned by seven First Nation organizations in Northeast Alberta (Cold Lake First Nations, Frog Lake First Nation, Kehewin Cree Nation, Saddle Lake Cree Nation, Goodfish Lake First Nation, Heart Lake First Nation and Beaver Lake Cree Nation) and is a subsidiary of Primco Dene and Pimee Well Servicing Ltd.

Areas we serve: Cold Lake, Bonnyville, Lloydminister, Lac La Biche, Athabasca, Grande Prairie, Edmonton, Edson, Fort McMurray and St. Paul
p: 780.594.1630 | f: 780.594.1631 | Seven Lakes Oilfield Services - Box 779 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P2
AB Web Services